13 research outputs found


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    Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) enables composition of large and complex computational units out of the available atomic services. However, implementation of SOA, for its dynamic nature, could bring about challenges in terms of service discovery, service interaction, service composition, robustness, etc. In the near future, SOA will often need to dynamically re-configuring and re-organizing its topologies of interactions between the web services because of some unpredictable events, such as crashes or network problems, which will cause service unavailability. Complexity and dynamism of the current and future global network system require service architecture that is capable of autonomously changing its structure and functionality to meet dynamic changes in the requirements and environment with little human intervention. This then needs to motivate the research described throughout this thesis. In this thesis, the idea of introducing autonomy and adapting case-based reasoning into SOA in order to extend the intelligence and capability of SOA is contributed and elaborated. It is conducted by proposing architecture of an autonomic SOA framework based on case-based reasoning and the architectural considerations of autonomic computing paradigm. It is then followed by developing and analyzing formal models of the proposed architecture using Petri Net. The framework is also tested and analyzed through case studies, simulation, and prototype development. The case studies show feasibility to employing case-based reasoning and autonomic computing into SOA domain and the simulation results show believability that it would increase the intelligence, capability, usability and robustness of SOA. It was shown that SOA can be improved to cope with dynamic environment and services unavailability by incorporating case-based reasoning and autonomic computing paradigm to monitor and analyze events and service requests, then to plan and execute the appropriate actions using the knowledge stored in knowledge database

    Authentication Mechanism for Ad Hoc Wireless Local Area Network

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    Wireless networks have grown rapidly over the last decade and they have been deployed in numerous applications due to their advantages over wired networks, specifically for its mobility and convenience. However, due to its wireless nature, some security issues in wireless network need to be addressed, such as unauthorized or rogue wireless devices which are relatively easy to connect to the network because they do not need any physical access. These issues might prevent further acceptance and adoption of wireless network technology. One of the solutions to overcome the wireless network security is the 802.1X specification. It is a mechanism for port-based network access control, which based on Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP). It is an authentication framework that can support multiple authentication methods. This research is looking into the possibility of using EAP as a generic authentication mechanism in ad hoc wireless local area networks. One promising advantage of using EAP-based authentication mechanism in a network is its interoperability with other types of networks since EAP is already a platform for various authentication mechanisms. This thesis studies and explores the feasibility of using EAP in ad hoc wireless local area network and then proposes a mechanism to implement EAP in ad hoc wireless local area network based on EAP multiplexing model. This thesis also proposes an extension to EAP, a mechanism to select a suitable EAP method out of a set of EAP methods to be used in EAP authentication process in heterogeneous mobile devices environment, where the network consists of different types of nodes I devices with different specifications and capabilities, and each node may support different type of EAP authentication method. Toward the end of this thesis, formal specification and verification of the proposed authentication mechanism are derived and strong final beliefs are obtained. Furthermore, node architecture that can be used in simulation of EAP authentication is designed and the EAP method selection mechanism is simulated


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    Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) enables composition of large and complex computational units out of the available atomic services. However, implementation of SOA, for its dynamic nature, could bring about challenges in terms of service discovery, service interaction, service composition, robustness, etc. In the near future, SOA will often need to dynamically re-configuring and re-organizing its topologies of interactions between the web services because of some unpredictable events, such as crashes or network problems, which will cause service unavailability. Complexity and dynamism of the current and future global network system require service architecture that is capable of autonomously changing its structure and functionality to meet dynamic changes in the requirements and environment with little human intervention. This then needs to motivate the research described throughout this thesis. In this thesis, the idea of introducing autonomy and adapting case-based reasoning into SOA in order to extend the intelligence and capability of SOA is contributed and elaborated. It is conducted by proposing architecture of an autonomic SOA framework based on case-based reasoning and the architectural considerations of autonomic computing paradigm. It is then followed by developing and analyzing formal models of the proposed architecture using Petri Net. The framework is also tested and analyzed through case studies, simulation, and prototype development. The case studies show feasibility to employing case-based reasoning and autonomic computing into SOA domain and the simulation results show believability that it would increase the intelligence, capability, usability and robustness of SOA. It was shown that SOA can be improved to cope with dynamic environment and services unavailability by incorporating case-based reasoning and autonomic computing paradigm to monitor and analyze events and service requests, then to plan and execute the appropriate actions using the knowledge stored in knowledge database

    Analisis Konsumsi Internet pada Gim Battle Royale Berbasis Konsol Selama Periode Kenormalan Baru di Jakarta

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    Bermain gim di konsol merupakan salah satu aktivitas yang dapat dilakukan di rumah selama periode kenormalan baru di Jakarta. Bermain gim daring memerlukan koneksi Internet dengan kuota dan kecepatan Internet yang memadai. Lebih khusus pada gim daring beraliran Battle Royale seperti Apex Legends dan Fortnite yang ramai dengan partisipasi pemain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berapa jumlah kuota Internet yang dikonsumsi dalam 1 match gim daring, dan berapa jumlah bandwidth Internet yang digunakan saat bermain. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan data primer yang direkam dan diolah secara mandiri, serta pengukuran secara deskriptif dengan sampel non-probabilistik. Didapati bahwa dalam 1 kali bermain Apex Legends mengkonsumi kuota Internet rata-rata 37,96 MB dan Fortnite di 10,16 MB. Kedua gim ini hanya memanfaatkan bandwidth Internet rata-rata di bawah 6,5% selama pengujian. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kedua gim ini cukup ramah kuota dan ringan untuk dimainkan pada konsol gim dengan menggunakan operator seluler prabayar di Jakarta

    Analisis Noise yang Dihasilkan oleh Pesawat Udara Kecil Nirawak dengan Massa yang Dikurangi tanpa Pergantian Rotor dan Propeller

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    Sebuah Pesawat Udara Kecil Nirawak (PUKN) lebih khusus pada PUKN jenis Quadcopter yang memiliki 4 baling-baling menghasilkan suara dengan tingkat kebisingan tertentu saat diterbangkan. PUKN yang digunakan saat penelitian memiliki berat 86 gram dengan aksesoris berupa pelindung baling-baling dan penutup atas yang melidungi badan PUKN. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisa, apakah massa PUKN yang dikurangi memiliki perubahan pada noise yang dihasilkan dalam satuan dBA tanpa pergantian jenis rotor dan propeller. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan analisa deskriptif, dan menggunakan data primer. Didapati PUKN dengan massa antara 78-86 gram pada 3 skenario menghasilkan rata-rata noise di 75,68-76,29 dBA. Penurunan massa PUKN sebesar 8 gram menghasilkan peningkatan noise sebesar 0,61 dBA. Penurunan beban yang tidak signifikan menghasilkan peningkatan noise yang tidak signifikan pula

    Analisis Data Partikulat (PM2.5) dalam Pengembangan Purwarupa Aplikasi Pelatihan Olahraga Kesehatan dengan Sistem Penunjang Keputusan

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    Partikulat (PM2.5) merupakan 1 dari 7 parameter yang digunakan pada Indeks Standar Pencemar Udara (ISPU) di Indonesia. Data ini diperlukan dalam mengembangkan sebuah sistem purwarupa yang dibantu  dengan Sistem Penunjang Keputusan (SPK) untuk kebutuhan pelatihan olahraga dan kesehatan.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan nilai Partikulat (PM2.5) di udara antara Indoor dan Outdoor, apakah nilai PM2.5 Indoor lebih besar atau sebaliknya, dan agar didapatkan tipe data variabel dan algoritma yang sesuai dalam proses pengembangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif pada data primer yang dikumpulkan secara berdikari dengan metode pengukuran deskriptif, dan studi literatur sebagai data sekunder. Proses pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik cluster-sampling. Didapati perbedaan nilai rata-rata partikulat PM2.5 antara indoor dan outdoor sebesar 7,27 µg/m3 dengan nilai outdoor lebih besar daripada indoor. Malam hari menjadi waktu dengan nilai partikulat PM2.5 tertinggi baik indoor (82,77±38,12 µg/m3) maupun outdoor (93,80±41,00 µg/m3), kedua nilai ini memiliki nilai standar deviasi yang cukup tinggi pula. Tipe dari sumber data adalah bilangan bulat positif, maka penggunaan tipe data numerik Integer telah seusai kebutuhan, dan pada proses pengolahan data dapat menggunakan tipe data float dengan 2 desimal. Melalui metode yang telah dilakukan secara digital-manual ini, selanjutnya dapat diotomasikan dengan perangkat mikrokontroler beserta sensor yang tersemat untuk pengembangan selanjutnya

    Analysis of Autonomic Service Oriented Architecture

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    — Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) enables composition of large and complex computational units out of the available atomic services. However, implementation of SOA, for its dynamic nature, could bring about challenges in terms of service discovery, service interaction, and service composition. SOA may often need to dynamically re-configure and re-organize its topologies of interactions between the web services because of some unpredictable events, such as crashes or network problems, which will cause service unavailability. Complexity and dynamism of the current and future global network systems require service architecture that is capable of autonomously changing its structure and functionality to meet dynamic changes in the requirements and environment with little human intervention. In this paper, formal models of a proposed autonomic SOA framework are developed and analyzed using Petri Net. The results showed that SOA can be improved to cope with dynamic environment and services unavailability by incorporating case-based reasoning and autonomic computing paradigm to monitor and analyze events and service requests, then to plan and execute the appropriate actions using the knowledge stored in knowledge database. Keywords— Service Oriented Architecture, autonomic computing, case-based reasoning, formal model, Petri Ne

    Enhancing Respiratory Disease Diagnosis through FMCW Radar and Machine Learning Techniques

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    Respiratory diseases require early diagnosis and continuous monitoring, but existing methods involve risky physical contact. This study proposes a new system that uses FMCW radar and machine learning to monitor breathing without contact. FMCW radar can detect respiratory movements in real-time, while machine learning can classify respiratory waveforms. This study evaluates the system with cross-validation Shuffle Split, K-fold, and Stratified K-fold. The results show that Random Forest has the highest accuracy of 94.6% and Naïve Bayes has the shortest time of 0.055 seconds. Shuffle Split performs best overall. This study shows the feasibility and potential of the system for the detection, response, and tracking of respiratory diseases in emergencies.This study addresses the urgent need for early diagnosis and continuous monitoring of respiratory diseases such as asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), and infectious diseases. We have created a system that combines state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms with frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar technology. FMCW radar technology is sensitive to small respiratory movements, allowing real-time monitoring without physical contact. Machine learning algorithms, including Decision Trees, Random Forest, Naïve Bayes, Gradient Boosting, and Support Vector Machines, are employed to classify these waveforms. The Random Forest classifier achieved the highest accuracy score of 94.6%, with Naïve Bayes exhibiting the shortest processing time at 0.055 seconds. We explored various cross-validation methods such as Shuffle Split, K-fold, and Stratified K-fold, with the Shuffle Split method performing best overall in terms of accuracy and time. Our study introduces an integrated system that could revolutionize the early detection, response, and tracking of respiratory diseases and emergencies over time

    Authentication Mechanism for Ad Hoc Wireless Local Area Network

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    Wireless networks have grown rapidly over the last decade and they have been deployed in numerous applications due to their advantages over wired networks, specifically for its mobility and convenience. However, due to its wireless nature, some security issues in wireless network need to be addressed, such as unauthorized or rogue wireless devices which are relatively easy to connect to the network because they do not need any physical access. These issues might prevent further acceptance and adoption of wireless network technology. One of the solutions to overcome the wireless network security is the 802.1X specification. It is a mechanism for port-based network access control, which based on Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP). It is an authentication framework that can support multiple authentication methods. This research is looking into the possibility of using EAP as a generic authentication mechanism in ad hoc wireless local area networks. One promising advantage of using EAP-based authentication mechanism in a network is its interoperability with other types of networks since EAP is already a platform for various authentication mechanisms. This thesis studies and explores the feasibility of using EAP in ad hoc wireless local area network and then proposes a mechanism to implement EAP in ad hoc wireless local area network based on EAP multiplexing model. This thesis also proposes an extension to EAP, a mechanism to select a suitable EAP method out of a set of EAP methods to be used in EAP authentication process in heterogeneous mobile devices environment, where the network consists of different types of nodes / devices with different specifications and capabilities, and each node may support different type of EAP authentication method. Toward the end of this thesis, formal specification and verification of the proposed authentication mechanism are derived and strong final beliefs are obtained. Furthermore, node architecture that can be used in simulation of EAP authentication is designed and the EAP method selection mechanism is simulated